The following list is (mostly) from Vern Poythress’ The Returning King.
We discussed how we could evaluate our own church through the eyes of our Lord in hope of being found faithful.
Our session has also taken this on as an assignment to study chapters two and three of the Book of Revelation as a way to critique our present ministry efforts.
Christ: Authority
Strength: Doctrinal Zeal
Problem: Lost ‘first love’
Duty: Repent
Promise: Tree of Life
Judgement: Close the church
Christ: Giving Life
Strength: Spiritually rich
Problem: None
Duty: Suffer for Christ
Promise: Freedom from death
Judgement: None
Christ: Warrior against sin
Strength: Holding fast
Problem: False teaching
Duty: Repent
Promise: Spiritual significance
Judgement: Christ will ‘fight them’
Christ: Searching heart
Strength: Love and service
Problem: Heresy and immorality
Duty: Repudiate ‘Jezebel’
Promise: Rule over nations
Judgement: Great tribulation
Christ: Source of Spirit
Strength: a few still faithful
Problem: Spiritually dead
Duty: Wake up
Promise: White robe (honor)
Judgement: “come as a thief’
Christ: Openning door
Strength: Keeping the Word
Problem: Little strength
Duty: Continue
Promise: Secure dwelling
Judgement: None
Christ: True witness
Strength: None
Problem: Worthless
Duty: Admit need
Promise: Fellowship
Judgement: Shame