March 3rd 2023
To the Honorable Bill Lee, Governor of Tennessee
I write to commend you on your recent stand against ‘Drag-Performances’ by passing the amended version of SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 7-51-1401.
The public welfare is cited as the reasoning that supports this restriction but, of course, the obvious bottom line is that these absurd displays are a twisted version of God’s design of manhood and womanhood quite clearly revealed in His Holy Word.
I want to encourage you, and those with whom you serve, to move forward always in the fear of the Lord and not ever be ashamed of Jesus’ name regardless of how much opposition you have against you.
Also, consider a public call to all of the faithful in Christ Jesus to pray that the citizens of Tennessee would endeavor to order their lives as is pleasing to God so that we might be find ourselves blessed as, at least one state within the union, unapologetic in the embracing of ethics as deemed right by our Creator.
I end this letter just to say that I hope your wife, Maria, is better and that I will pray for her healing.
Rev Laurence Windham
Saint Peter Presbyterian Church
Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches